NYC Mayor cancels hybrid work modules for city employees

NYC Mayor cancels hybrid work modules for city employees

New York City Mayor, Eric Adams has announced that city employees must come to work in person and no hybrid or remote work schedules will be allowed.

We've previously covered news where we emphasized that NYC is a place that runs on the hustle, the city relies heavily on the businesses surrounding it, and more importantly the employees who flock to these offices day and night. Starting from street vendors to high-end restaurants to theatres and even amusement parks, all these enterprises require the business they get from the people who work in the city to sustain themselves. Therefore, it was quite predictable when the city came to a standstill during the pandemic as people staring working remotely. Now, Mayor Adams and other city officials are desperately trying to revive NYC's roots. After months of pandering to private sector businesses to start in-person work, Mayor Adams sent out a memo to all city employees asking them to lead the charge on the road to recovery from Covid-19 and healing the city to get back to where it was. The memo said that all city employees should come back to the office. "I'm trying to fill up office buildings," he said. 

The memo also stuck to the point that hybrid work schedules will not be allowed. One of the major reasons for the push is to stimulate the economy, "How does it look that city employees are home, while I'm telling everyone else it's time to get back to work," the Mayor said. He added that exceptions will be made for certain circumstances but the specifics aren't available yet, and neither is the information regarding the punishment for workers who refuse to go back to work.

Source: CBS News

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