Job creation slows down with just 194,000 jobs added last month

Job creation slows down with just 194,000 jobs added last month

Oct 11, 2021



The economic recovery in the US has hit another roadblock with employers adding just 194,000 jobs in September according to the data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). This is another sign that covid has been hampering the recovery greatly. Job growth has been dramatically falling since August and this is the second straight month in which the economy added fewer jobs than expected. Data published by BLS shows that the unemployment rate fell from 5.2% to 4.8% in September. In addition to this, the Black unemployment rate too fell the most compared to all groups- from 8.8% to 7.9%. Meanwhile, unemployed groups in the country continue to struggle with child-care and health and are reluctant to return to work.

Hiring also saw a large drop in restaurants and bars as customers avoided travel and dining out. The leisure and hospitality sector added 74,000 jobs in September, underperforming the industry's monthly average gain of 197,000 this year. Another sector that struggled with hiring is education. Employment in local government education fell by 144,000 and 17,000  in state government education. The education sector also happens to be a major employer for women. So this fall in hiring also raises questions about equality in the jobs recovery. Women lost 26,000 jobs last month, while men gained jobs.

Source: CNN 

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