Companies push back against the Texas abortion law

Companies push back against the Texas abortion law

A number of companies and businesses have raised their voices and pushed back against the recent abortion law passed in the state of Texas. The law prohibits abortion after six weeks of pregnancy- after fetal cardiac activity is detected. Web hosting service Go Daddy took down a website run by Texas Right to Life organization. Go Daddy responded that the company has violated their terms of service has will be given 24 hours to shift to another provider. 

Go Daddy is not alone in this fight against the new law. Ridehail services like Uber and Lyft also came forward with an announcement that they would cover the legal fees of their driver who are sued due to the consequences of the new legislation. The law could affect anyone who "aids or abets" an abortion which could potentially include a driver who unknowingly drove a patient to an abortion clinic. Further, dating apps Bumble and Match, both services based in Texas, said they would create a relief fund for people who are affected by the law. 

Source: CNN 

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